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rhAmp™ Genotyping Design Tool

rhAmp SNP Genotyping can be performed either directly on a real-time PCR instrument, or in a benchtop thermal cycler and then transferred to a fluorescence detection platform for end-point analysis. Search for human predesigned SNP assays using a dbSNP ID (rs ID), gene symbol, RefSeq accession number, chromosomal range, or FASTA sequence.
Custom design for any SNP, any species with FASTA sequence input.
Unable to obtain a design for a SNP of interest? Our tool currently does not support insertion/deletion variants. For other SNP types please contact us.

dbSNP ID Input (limited to 1): Enter up to 500, separated by commas. Enter up to 500 FASTA sequences. This field is required.

Upload Excel (.xls or .xlsx) or text (.txt) file containing up to 500 inputs.
Excel file example: dbSNP ID Excel File

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